• Four Points To Remember When Collecting Stool Samples For Cats

    Collecting stool samples for your pets might seem relatively simple. That is, of course, unless you have to do it for a cat. Unlike dogs, cats systematically bury their bowel movements inside of their litter boxes – making it difficult to pull away for a fresh sample. Here are four points to remember in order to collect the sample successfully without losing your mind. Start with a Clean Slate Clean out the litter box thoroughly.
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  • What To Expect From A Pet Adoption

    Adopting a new pet can be exciting for your whole family. Not only are you adding a new member to your family, but a pet can improve many aspects of your life. However, to ensure you're prepared for the responsibility to come, it's a good idea to know what to expect from various sources of pets, such as breeders, animal shelters and government run pounds: Breeders While dogs are the most common, other animals are frequently bred professionally, too.
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  • Reasons To Find A Pet Grooming Service For Your Newly Adopted Dog

    Have you recently adopted a dog from a shelter? Are you still researching ways to take care of your new best friend? Whether you've adopted a dog with long hair or short hair, here are some reasons why you should consider finding a local pet grooming service for your dog to visit: Nail clipping: Cutting your dog's nails can be a difficult process for many pet owners. A dog will often disagree with the process, trying to slip free and run away when he or she sees the nail clippers.
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  • 3 Tips For Caring For A Puppy That Was Too Young To Leave Its Mother

    Puppies should be cared for by their mothers until they're at least 8 weeks old. During those initial weeks, mothers provide for their nourishment and their discipline. In fact, during the first 8 weeks, a puppy will learn important rules about its behavior. Unfortunately, when puppies are removed from their mothers too early, they miss out on valuable training. If you've recently obtained a puppy that was too young to leave its mother, there are some things you can do to help it develop properly.
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  • Love To Garden? Make Sure Your Dog And Your Garden Stay Safe

    If you love to garden and have dogs, you need to be careful. There are some things that are lethal to dogs that are used in gardening, and your dog can be lethal to your gardens. Below are some tips to keep both your garden and your dog happy and healthy. Build a Raised Bed Instead of planting your flowers and vegetables flat on the ground, create a raised bed instead.
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  • Hair Pulling Hare | 3 Reasons Your Pet Rabbit Could Be Pulling Its Own Hair

    With their gentle disposition and ease of training, rabbits are a popular pet choice for a lot of people. Most rabbit breeds are relatively free from health problems and they do stay healthy as long as they are fed well and given the appropriate shelter. One of the biggest problems your pet rabbit may have is a tendency to pull its own hair out and leave giant clumps of fur hanging out where he sleeps or around the house.
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  • Separation Anxiety In Dogs: 3 Treatments To Explore

    Separation anxiety is quite common among dogs, who tend to become emotionally attached to their owners. If your dog becomes distressed when you leave--especially to the point of misbehaving while you're gone--then your dog may suffer from separation anxiety. This is especially likely if your dog has abandonment or neglect issues because of a previous owner. Fortunately, there are a few different methods you can try to help your dog overcome separation anxiety and enjoy a healthier, happier life--even when you're away.
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  • There's Danger Out There: 4 Tips For Protecting Your Dog From Lyme Disease

    If your dog spends any time outdoors, you're probably interested in finding ways to protect it from tick bites, which can spread Lyme disease. Spending a great deal of time outside can increase the risk of tick exposure. Luckily, you don't have to limit the amount of outdoor activities you and your dog enjoy. If you live in a region of the country that is populated with deer ticks – the most common carrier of Lyme disease – a veterinarian, like Beaver Lake Animal Hospital, can provide your dog with a vaccination that will protect against the disease.
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  • Helping Your Arthritic Cat to Have a More Pleasant Life

    Cats develop some of the same bone diseases as their human owners. Arthritis damages their joints, causing pain and inflammation. If you have an older kitty that walks with a stiff gate and hesitates to jump up onto and down from high surfaces, have your veterinarian evaluate them for arthritic joints. Along with medication that the vet can offer to relieve the pain, there are a number of things you can do to help your feline friend be comfortable at home.
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  • Important Vaccinations For Your Dog

    As a child, you head to the doctor's office at certain times during your childhood to receive medicines that will ultimately protect you from contracting diseases and illnesses. While you understand the importance of vaccinations at an early age for children, getting your pets vaccinated is equally as important when protecting your dogs. While some vaccinations are not crucial at an early age, there are some that should be given when they are a puppy.
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