
  • How To Tell If Your Cat Needs Urgent Dental Help

    If you've never brushed your cat's teeth, it's a good time to start. However, there comes a time where if dental disease is allowed to progress far enough, at-home care can't reverse the damage. If your cat is exhibiting one or more of these oral health warning signs, you should get to a veterinarian right away. Foul-Smelling Breath Cat food isn't one of the most pleasant-smelling things on the planet, but there's a difference between cat food breath and simply bad breath.
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  • Myths Dispelled: The Truth About Cat Vaccinations

    Cats are one of the most misunderstood creatures on earth. Cats need more care and affection than they let on, and even healthy feline companions should see a veterinarian regularly for check-ups. It's also important to get your cat on a vaccination schedule when they are still young. Some cat owners may hesitate due to myths about cat vaccinations, but a lot of rumors about vaccinations in cats are totally false.
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  • Don't Want To Lose Your Best Friend? 2 Ways To Increase The Lifespan Of Your Beloved Dog

    If you have a dog, then you know how much joy your "best friend" brings to your life, and you likely wish he could live as long as you. However, dogs just have shorter lifespans than humans, so most dog owners face the death of their pets at least once in a lifetime. While you can't make your dog live forever, there are two easy ways to ensure he or she lives as long as possible.
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  • Is Your Cat Sick Of Her Food, Or Is She Too Sick To Eat?

    If your cat opted out of eating when you served up her breakfast, your first instinct may be to shrug her off as a stereotypical finicky feline and go about your business of the day, assuming that the cat will eat when she gets hungry enough. Do not allow your cat to engage you in this potentially dangerous game of wills. Identifying whether or not your cat is ill and learning a few tips to coax her into eating can make the difference between life and death.
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  • 4 Reasons To Leave Your Dog At A Pet Boarding Facility When You Go Out Of Town

    If you are going out of town on vacation, you may have to decide whether or not to board the animal. Pet boarding can be great alternative to leaving your dog with relatives. Here are some of the benefits of pet boarding for your dog: Your dog will be given the attention it needs. If your dog is accustomed to receiving lots of attention, pet boarding can ensure that the animal continues to get the emotional care that it needs.
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  • Tips For Caring For Your Pet Iguana's Skin

    Green iguanas are not a simple or easy pet to care for. While iguanas are very intelligent reptiles, they are considered to be a non-domesticated animal and are prone to act on instinct, meaning that they can sometimes bite and inflict injury on their caregivers. In addition, green iguanas require a lot of specialty care to keep them healthy. One major area of concern for all iguanas is the health and proper shedding of their skin.
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  • 2 Canine Diseases Spread By The Brown Dog Tick

    When it comes to ticks, the deer tick has perhaps the worst reputation of all ticks, since it is such a prevalent carrier of Lyme disease. If you are a dog owner, however, there is another kind of tick to be watching out for: the brown dog tick. Brown dog ticks are a reddish-brown in color, and unlike other tick species, they do not have any noticeable markings. They're about 1/8 inch long and are the only tick species that can complete its entire life cycle indoors in a home.
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  • Don't Let Your Pet Suffer In Silence

    You love your pet and make every effort to provide him or her with a happy, healthy life.  But what if your pet is in pain and shows no outward signs? Most likely, with keen observation, you can detect something is amiss with your pet, and you can work with your veterinarian to provide the relief it deserves. Hiding Pain When your dog or cat is trying to hide its pain, it's not simply trying to put on a brave front.
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  • Not Sure You Should Spay Your Dog? 3 Reasons Why You Should

    You just bought a new dog and you can't decide whether to get it spayed or not. Your kids would like to have a litter of puppies to play with and you think selling pups might be a good way to make some extra money Puppies can be fun to play with and they are educational. However, you should know that there are health benefits to having your dog spayed. Here are just a few of the reasons you should spay your new dog.
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  • Hazards Of Keeping Your Dog In The Garage

    It seems like a good idea: Keep your rambunctious pups in the garage so there's no way they can damage things in the house. Maybe you are thinking about leaving them in there when you go to work, or maybe just for a few minutes when you run errands. But either way, there are dangers in the average garage that you'll need to be cautious about.  If you suspect that your pet has ingested anything out of the ordinary, or if your pup is acting lethargic, vomiting, having trouble breathing, or showing other signs of being poisoned, take them immediately to the emergency vet clinic.
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